
Directed by Nigel Finch, produced by Christine Vachon. The homosexual film follows the life of a young man named Matty Dean who travels to New York, Greenwich Village. He quickly befriends a group of sex workers, most peculiar about them is that they are cross dressers.

Closest of his new friends are La Miranda and her friends and soon enough they are arrested. ‘Bostonia’ comes into the scene as the African-American ‘mother’ of the queens hanging out at stonewall, as their bailer. The web thickens with Bostonia’s secret lover, Vinnie, who happens to be a closeted Mafioso running stonewall.

The tale of the cross dressing crew develops with intrigues; some coming out as gay, others exposing their cross dressing selves up until the bizarre and unexpected suicide by Vinnie after confessing his love for Bostonia.



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